

Awards--Starting with the most recent year.

2022 19th We, Innovators -- 111年第19屆國家新創獎

2020 Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Research and Development Award




2018 Taiwan International Invention Award



Activities -- Starting with the most recent year.

2019  Hanoi, North Vietnam  Visit Hong Ngoc Hospital

Dinner with ambassador Richard Shih (石瑞琦大使) of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office
Attend Conference on Patient Safety and Safe Surgery Standards Visit 108 Military Central Hospital for participating in the free clinic activities of the international organization "Operation Smile" (cleft lip and palate).



2018 Oct. academic exchanges with Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine, Vietnam

​Invite the vice president of Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine, Vietnam, Dr. Ngo Dong Khanh及Dr. Vo Anh Dung (Vice chair of Department of Maxillo Facial and Plastic Surgery, Ho Chi Minh City Odonto-Maxillo-Facial Hospital) came for academic exchanges to expand more opportunities for cooperation.

Visit Faculty of Dentistry of University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City
Visit University Hospital (Dep. of Maxillo Facial and Plastic Surgery)
​Meeting with UMP's Faculty of Odonto-Stomatology By Dr. Nguyen Van Lan of UMP's Faculty of Odonto-Stomatology


2018 Nov. Visit Odonto-Maxillo-Facial Hospital

​Visit Odonto-Maxillo-Facial Hospital and meet Dr. Nguyen Duc Minh, DDS, MSc. (Director of HCMC Odonto-Maxillo-Facial Hospital)